I am trying to create a custom text view and want to be able to use SF Symbols with it. I am aware of text elements in SwiftUI being able to take a LocalizedStringKey, and how you can interpolate certain accepted things into one. In my specific case, I want to interpolate an SF Symbol in a text element:
Text("CAMERA \(Image(systemName: "camera"))")
This should display the word "CAMERA" with a camera SF Symbol next to it.
My problem is that I need to count the number of elements in this text element, but not the literal value passed in. Rather, I want to count the number of elements from how it is displayed. So, I would count the number of characters in "CAMERA" (which is six) and then count the space next to it (which is one), then the SF Symbol as another character (which is of course one). Then, the total number of characters in my original text element would be eight.
Basically, I need to be able to count the number of characters in a LocalizedStringKey and count symbols as one character. LocalizedStringKey does not have a .count member, so I need to figure out a way to do this by myself.
To be crystal clear, my goal is to have behavior similar to how Swift counts the characters in a string with emojis:
let string = "CAMERA 📸"
print(string.count) // 8
I want this to work for SF Symbols in a text element though. Any help/clarification? Thanks! :)