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Moonshot project fatalError trigger

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I am not sure why but in the Bundle-Decodable file the last guard is getting triggered.

 guard let loaded = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else {
                    fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle.")

I don't know if you need it to help me but here is all of my code, ContentView:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    let astronauts: [String: Astronaut] = Bundle.main.decode("astronauts.json")
    let missions: [Mission] = Bundle.main.decode("missions.json")

    let columns = [
        GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 150))
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            ScrollView {
                LazyVGrid(columns: columns) {
                    ForEach(missions) { mission in
                        NavigationLink {
                          Text("Detail view")
                        } label: {
                            VStack {
                                    .frame(width: 100, height: 100)

                                VStack {

                                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
                            .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
                            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
                .padding([.horizontal, .bottom])


import Foundation
import SwiftUI

extension ShapeStyle where Self == Color {
    static var darkBackground: Color {
        Color(red: 0.1, green: 0.1, blue: 0.2)

    static var lightBackground: Color {
        Color(red:0.2, green: 0.2, blue: 0.3)


import Foundation

struct Astronaut:  Codable, Identifiable {
    let id: String
    let name: String
    let description: String


import Foundation

extension Bundle {
    func decode<T: Codable>(_ file: String) -> T {
        guard let url = self.url(forResource: file, withExtension: nil) else {
            fatalError("Failed to locate \(file) in bundle.")
        guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else {
            fatalError("Failed to load \(file) from bundle.")

        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        let formatter = DateFormatter()
        formatter.dateFormat = "y-MM-dd"
        decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .formatted(formatter)

        guard let loaded = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else {
                    fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle.")

        return loaded


import Foundation

struct Mission: Codable, Identifiable {
    struct CrewRole: Codable {
        let name: String
        let role: String

    let id: Int
    let launchDate: Date?
    let crew: [CrewRole]
    let description: String

    var displayName: String {
        "Apollo \(id)"

    var image: String {

    var formattedLaunchDate: String {
        launchDate?.formatted(date: .abbreviated, time: .omitted) ?? "N/A"


You don't know what's triggering it because you are converting the error to an Optional and losing that information.

Instead of this:

guard let loaded = try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) else {
    fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle.")

do this:

do {
    let loaded = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch {

and you will see what the error is.


I replaced my code with yours, but now I get an error message on the return loaded line

"Cannot convert return expression of type 'Bool' to return type 'T'"


@ndnyzed I believe that's because you left the return on the code, you should delete it in order to work the do and catch. I got fatalerror on my code and what helped me to figure it out was this:

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
} catch DecodingError.keyNotFound(let key, let context) {
fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle due to missing key '\(key.stringValue)' not found – \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(_, let context) {
fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle due to type mismatch – \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch DecodingError.valueNotFound(let type, let context) {
fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle due to missing \(type) value – \(context.debugDescription)")
} catch DecodingError.dataCorrupted(_) {
fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle because it appears to be invalid JSON")
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to decode \(file) from bundle: \(error.localizedDescription)")


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