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How do I add my screenshot?

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Here's a really basic question.

I would like to ask a question about my code, but can't work out how to add my screenshot to the post. Can someone put me out of my misery?

Thanks, Andrew


  1. Upload the image to something like Dropbox or Imgur or whatever image hosting site you like.
  2. Post a URL to the image using this markup:
![image description](image URL)

Note: If you use Dropbox, you can change the dl=0 on the end of the URL to raw=1 to make it show up as an embedded image rather than a link. I don't know if other services have a similar feature, but I bet they do.

Example: This link:

![business cat](https://www.dropbox.com/s/z5n17b3y72zcmx1/fire_the_dogs_sm.png?raw=1)

results in this image:

business cat


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