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Day 95 - Animating capsule for dice statistics

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi all,

near the completion of the Day 95 Consolidation VII challenge project (dice roll and stats) I decided to display simple graphs showing the occurrencies of the results for a given dice. It is pretty easy to show a capsule for each result, with a frame width normalized to be = GeometryProxy.size.width for max occurrence and 0 for min occurrence.


What I cannot do is to animate the apearance of these capsules with an animation different from the default opacoty.

my View code is the following:

import SwiftUI

struct DiceResultsDetailedView: View {

    let dice: DiceModel

    @State private var animate = false // <--- this is to start the animation in onAppear

    var body: some View {

        VStack {

            Section(header: Text("Aggregate Statistics")) {
                Form {
                    Text("Faces: \(dice.faces).")
                    Text("Rolled: \(dice.launches) times.")
                    Text("Average result : \(dice.averageResult, specifier: "%g").")
                .frame(height: 195)


            Section(header: Text("Frequencies")) {
                List {
                    ForEach(0..<dice.id) { index in
                        let event = index + 1 // at Index 0 we have the total number of rolls
                        let occurrence = dice.events[event]
                        let frequency = dice.percentage(of: event)
                        let maxOccurrence = dice.maxEventOccurrence()?.occurrence

                        ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
                            if dice.launches > 0 {

                                if self.animate {
                                    GeometryReader { rowGeo in
                                        let unit = rowGeo.size.width / CGFloat(maxOccurrence!)
                                            .opacity(opacity(for: occurrence, withMax: maxOccurrence!))
                                            .frame(width: CGFloat(occurrence) * unit)

                                            //ANIMATION: COPIED FROM APPLE LANDMARK TUTORIAL

                                            .animation(.ripple(index: event))
                            Text("\(event) : \(occurrence) times (\(frequency, specifier: "%g")%)")
                .onAppear {
                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()+0.5) {
                        withAnimation {
                        self.animate = true
        }.navigationBarTitle(Text("\(dice.faces) sided dice stats"))

    func opacity(for occurrence: Int, withMax: Int) -> Double {
        return Double(occurrence) / Double(withMax)


extension Animation {
    static func ripple(index: Int) -> Animation {
        Animation.spring(dampingFraction: 0.5)
            .delay(0.03 * Double(index))

but the Ripple animation/transition (example copied from Apple Landmark tutorial) never take efects, I always see the capsule-bars appearing with an animated opacity.

I'm obviously making a mistake in the way I setup the animation, but I can't figure out what it is...


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