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SOLVED: Day 41: Moonshot | How to merge the json´s

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Hello I am currently at the Moonshot app but I have a hard time to understand how Paul merged the two Json´s. Can someone explain me how the init works and what data it passes. My biggest problem is the code after self.crew. What´s .map and member(What value has member)?

struct CrewMember {
    let role: String
    let astronaut: Astronaut

let mission: Mission
let crew: [CrewMember]

init(mission: Mission, astronauts: [String: Astronaut]) {
    self.mission = mission

    self.crew = mission.crew.map { member in
        if let astronaut = astronauts[member.name] {
            return CrewMember(role: member.role, astronaut: astronaut)
        } else {
            fatalError("Missing \(member.name)")


Thany you so much but I have one more question.

What purpose has the String in this context. Why is it there. astronauts: [String: Astronaut]


map is a transform function. It takes a sequence of one type of thing and returns a sequence of another type of thing. The type of thing it takes depends on what map is being called on.

Here is the signature for map from the Swift Standard Library's Array:

func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]

Ignoring the throws and rethrows, which just indicates how the function can handle errors, we see that map takes an Element (i.e., one item of whatever sequence it's being called on) and returns some type T.

In this case, it is being called on mission.crew, which is an array of CrewRole. So what is being passed into map is a single CrewRole item.

And what is being returned from map? Well, we are assigning the result to self.crew, which has been declared as [CrewMember], or an array of CrewMember items.

(We will ignore the fatalError since that just causes your app to crash instantly and so it has no return type.)

member here is simply the CrewRole item that is being passed in to map using trailing closure syntax.

The signature for this closure would therefore be:

map(_ transform: (CrewRole) -> CrewMember) -> [CrewMember] //again, ignoring throws and rethrows

So, to sum up: mission.crew.map:

  1. feeds each item in an array of CrewRole items into a closure

  2. the closure transforms a CrewRole into a CrewMember (how? see below)

  3. map returns an array of CrewMember items

Make sense?

As for astronauts: [String: Astronaut]...

[String: Astronaut] indicates that astronauts is a Dictionary. Dictionaries are collections that store values by a key. Just like a real-world dictionary allows you to look up definitions by a keyword, a programming Dictionary allows you to look up values by a key.

A Dictionary type is indicated as such: [Key: Value]. So the astronauts declaration is telling us that it is a dictionary with a key of String and a value of Astronaut. In other words, you can find an Astronaut by querying the astronauts dictionary with a String key. IIRC, that String key is each astronaut's name, but it's been a while since I looked at the Moonshot code.

So here in this init function, the closure given to the map function:

  1. takes the CrewRole item passed in as member

  2. uses its name property as a key to look up a corresponding Astronaut in the astronauts dictionary

  3. builds a CrewMember struct using the member's role property and the Astronaut item retrieved from the Dictionary

  4. returns this new CrewMember item so that map can stitch all of them together into an array


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