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Day 25 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi All!

Hope you're all doing well :)

Its been a few weeks longer than it should have been but work... kids.. pets...

I'd love some feedback on my attempt at Rock, Paper, Scissors..

I have jazzed it a bit by starting at 10 points and slowly decreasing the points you can get with a timer, when the timer hits 0 you loose that round and another starts - if you get it wrong you loose 5 points, if you are very quick and correct you could win 10 points!

As always feedback is very appreciated! (I know that I have just ripped off the radialgradient from the flag game :)

import SwiftUI

let possibleMoves = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]
let possibleMovesEmoji = ["πŸͺ¨", "πŸ“„", "βœ‚οΈ"]
let winningMoves = ["Scissors", "Rock", "Paper"]

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var shouldWin = Bool.random()
    @State private var move = Int.random(in:0...2)
    @State private var scoreTitle = ""
    @State private var score = 0
    @State private var points = 10
    @State private var turns = 0
    @State private var showingGameOver = false

    var body: some View {

        ZStack {
            RadialGradient(stops: [
                .init(color: Color(red: 0.1, green: 0.2, blue: 0.45), location: 0.3),
                .init(color: Color(red: 0.76, green: 0.15, blue: 0.26), location: 0.3)], center:
                .top, startRadius: 200, endRadius: 700).ignoresSafeArea()
            VStack {
                Text("\(shouldWin ? "Win" : "Lose") ")
                    .font(.system(size: 100))
                    .font(.system(size: 50))
                HStack {
                    ForEach(0..<3) { number in
                        Button {
                        } label : {
                                .font(.system(size: 70))
                Text("Current Score : \(score)")
                Text("Playing for \(points) points!")
                    .onReceive(timer) { _ in
                        if points > 0 && showingGameOver == false {
                            points -= 1
                        if points == 0 {
            .alert("Game Over", isPresented: $showingGameOver)
                Button("Play Again", action: resetGame)
            } message: {
                Text("You scored \(score)")    }

    let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()

    func moveTapped(_ number: Int)
        if possibleMoves[move] == winningMoves[number] {
            shouldWin ? correct() : incorrect() }
        else {
            shouldWin ? incorrect() : correct()

    func nextTurn() {
        move = Int.random(in:0...2)
        turns += 1
        points = 10
        if turns > 10 {
            showingGameOver = true

    func correct()
        scoreTitle = "Correct"
        score += points

    func incorrect()
        scoreTitle = "Wrong"
        score -= 5
        if score < 0 {
            score = 0

    func resetGame()
        score = 0
        turns = 0
        scoreTitle = ""

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {




Nice approach on completing the challenge! I have a question, where do you handle the case that the user picks the same ? My logic func is as per attached below :

func checkAnswer(answer: Int) {
        questionCount += 1
        let winOrLoseCheck = shouldWin
        var scoreAmend = 0
        if winOrLoseCheck {
            scoreAmend += 1
        } else {
            scoreAmend -= 1
       let oldScore = yourScore

        if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸͺ¨" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸ“ƒ" {
            yourScore += scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸͺ¨" && winningMoves[answer] == "βœ‚οΈ" {
            yourScore -= scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸͺ¨" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸͺ¨" {
            yourScore += 0
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸ“ƒ" && winningMoves[answer] == "βœ‚οΈ" {
            yourScore += scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸ“ƒ" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸͺ¨" {
            yourScore -= scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "πŸ“ƒ" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸ“ƒ" {
            yourScore += 0
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "βœ‚οΈ" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸͺ¨" {
            yourScore += scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "βœ‚οΈ" && winningMoves[answer] == "πŸ“ƒ" {
            yourScore -= scoreAmend
        } else if moves[moveNumber] == "βœ‚οΈ" && winningMoves[answer] == "βœ‚οΈ" {
            yourScore += 0

        //Was the Answer correct or not.
        if oldScore < yourScore {
            wasCorrectAnswer = true
        } else {
            wasCorrectAnswer = false
        showRectangle = false


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