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SOLVED: Day 19 Challenge

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi everyone, i was able to do this challenge. Then i went to see Paul's tips to see if i was missing something and tried to add .formatted() on my output result, but it gives me an undisclosed error, saying it might be a bug.

My code is this: With .formatted() that's giving me problems included:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var inputValue = "sec"
    @State private var outputValue = "min"
    @State private var userInput: Double = 60

    @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool

   private let values = ["sec", "min", "hours", "days"]

    private var inputConverted: Double {

        let finalInput: Double = userInput

        switch inputValue {
        case "sec":
            return finalInput
        case "min":
            return finalInput * 60
        case "hours":
            return finalInput * 3600
        case "days":
            return finalInput * 86400
            return finalInput

   private var outputConverted: Double {

        let finalOutput: Double = inputConverted

        switch outputValue {
        case "sec":
            return finalOutput
        case "min":
            return finalOutput / 60
        case "hours":
            return finalOutput / 3600
        case "days":
            return finalOutput / 86400
            return finalOutput


    var body: some View {
                    Picker("Input value", selection: $inputValue) {
                        ForEach(values, id: \.self){
                }header: {
                    Text("Select Input")

                    Picker("Output value", selection: $outputValue) {
                        ForEach(values, id: \.self){
                }header: {
                    Text("Select Output")

                Section {
                    TextField("Insert input value", value: $userInput, format: .number)
                }header: {
                    Text("Insert input value")

                Section {
                    Text(outputConverted.formatted(), format: .number)
                }header: {
            .navigationTitle("Time Converter")
            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard){
                        isFocused = false

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


Hi! Just update this line. I.e. remove formatted()

 Text(outputConverted, format: .number)


That was what i had previously before watching the .formatted() tip. Does it mean that format: .number does the same thing?


Absolutely so. You pass it number it turns it into text representation. As documentation says: init(_:format:) creates a text view that displays the formatted representation of a nonstring type supported by a corresponding format style. And func formatted() -> String returned you a string. So init on Text cannot do that already as you give it a text instead of a number and it says you no way :)


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