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1st Challenge done, with round about solution lol

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi guys, Just finished my solution to the first challenge. I didnt read about the converter section of the page and just barrelled through creating a solution. it works but would love some insight to a better solution.

@State var value1 = ""
    @State var distance1 = 2
    @State var distance2 = 2

    let distances = ["Meters", "Km", "Feet", "Yards", "Miles"]
    let milesLength = ["0.00062137", "0.621371", "0.0001893938807992424", "0.00056818164239772720337", "1"]

    var finalValue: Double {
        let convert = Double(value1) ?? 0
        let distanceToValue = Double(milesLength[distance2]) ?? 2
        let distanceFromValue = Double(milesLength[distance1]) ?? 2

        let milesValue = convert * distanceFromValue
        let value = milesValue / distanceToValue

        return value

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                Section(header: Text("Measurement")) {
                    TextField("Measurement length", text: $value1)
                Section(header: Text("First measurement type to convert")) {
                    Picker("First measurement type to convert", selection: $distance1) {
                        ForEach(0 ..< distances.count) {
                Section(header: Text("Measurement type to convert too")) {
                    Picker("First measurement type to convert", selection: $distance2) {
                        ForEach(0 ..< distances.count) {
                Text("The conversion is \(finalValue, specifier: "%.2f") \(distances[distance2])")
            }.navigationTitle("Distance Converter")


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