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Saving and loading data with UserDefaults

Paul Hudson    @twostraws   

This app mostly works, but it has one fatal flaw: any data we add gets wiped out when the app is relaunched, which doesn’t make it much use for remembering who we met. We can fix this by making the Prospects initializer able to load data from UserDefaults, then write it back when the data changes.

This time our data is stored using a slightly easier format: although the Prospects class uses the @Published property wrapper, the people array inside it is simple enough that it already conforms to Codable just by adding the protocol conformance. So, we can get most of the way to our goal by making three small changes:

  1. Updating the Prospects initializer so that it loads its data from UserDefaults where possible.
  2. Adding a save() method to the same class, writing the current data to UserDefaults.
  3. Calling save() when adding a prospect or toggling its isContacted property.

We’ve looked at the code to do all that previously, so let’s get to it. We already have a simple initializer for Prospects, so we can update it to use UserDefaults like this:

init() {
    if let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "SavedData") {
        if let decoded = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Prospect].self, from: data) {
            people = decoded

    people = []

As for the save() method, this will do the same thing in reverse – add this:

func save() {
    if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(people) {
        UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "SavedData")

Our data is changed in two places, so we need to make both of those call save() to make sure the data is always written out.

The first is in the toggle() method of Prospects, so modify it to this:

func toggle(_ prospect: Prospect) {

The second is in the handleScan(result:) method of ProspectsView, where we add new prospects to the array. Find this line:


And add this directly below:


If you run the app now you’ll see that any contacts you add will remain there even after you relaunch the app, so we could easily stop here. However, this time I want to go a stage further and fix two other problems:

  1. We’ve had to hard-code the key name “SavedData” in two places, which again might cause problems in the future if the name changes or needs to be used in more places.
  2. Having to call save() inside ProspectsView isn’t good design, partly because our view really shouldn’t know about the internal workings of its model, but also because if we have other views working with the data then we might forget to call save() there.

To fix the first problem we should create a property on Prospects to contain our save key, so we use that property rather than a string for UserDefaults.

Add this to the Prospects class:

let saveKey = "SavedData"

We can then use that rather than a hard-coded string, first by modifying the initializer like this:

if let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: saveKey) {

And by modifying the save() method to this:

UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: saveKey)

This approach is much safer in the long term – it’s far too easy to write “SaveKey” or “savedKey” by accident, and in doing so introduce all sorts of bugs.

As for the problem of calling save(), this is actually a deeper problem: when we write code like prospects.people.append(person) we’re breaking a software engineering principle known as encapsulation. This is the idea that we should limit how much external objects can read and write values inside a class or a struct, and instead provide methods for reading (getters) and writing (setters) that data.

In practical terms, this means rather than writing prospects.people.append(person) we’d instead create an add() method on the Prospects class, so we could write code like this: prospects.add(person). The result would be the same – our code adds a person to the people array – but now the implementation is hidden away. This means that we could switch the array out to something else and ProspectsView wouldn’t break, but it also means we can add extra functionality to the add() method.

So, to solve the second problem we’re going to create an add() method in Prospects so that we can internally trigger save(). Add this now:

func add(_ prospect: Prospect) {

Even better, we can use access control to stop external writes to the people array, meaning that our views must use the add() method to add prospects. This is done by changing the definition of the people property to this:

@Published private(set) var people: [Prospect]

Now that only code inside Prospects calls the save() method, we can mark that as being private too:

private func save() {

This helps lock down our code so that we can’t make mistakes by accident – the compiler simply won’t allow it. In fact, if you try building the code now you’ll see exactly what I mean: ProspectsView tries to append to the people array and call save(), which is no longer allowed.

To fix that error and get our code compiling cleanly again, replace those two lines with this:


Switching away from strings then using encapsulation and access control are simple ways of making our code safer, and are some great steps towards building better software.

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