It’s common to want to create several SwiftUI views inside a loop. For example, we might want to loop over an array of names and have each one be a text view, or loop over an array of menu items and have each one be shown as an image.
SwiftUI gives us a dedicated view type for this purpose, called ForEach
. This can loop over arrays and ranges, creating as many views as needed.
will run a closure once for every item it loops over, passing in the current loop item. For example, if we looped from 0 to 100 it would pass in 0, then 1, then 2, and so on.
For example, this creates a form with 100 rows:
Form {
ForEach(0..<100) { number in
Text("Row \(number)")
Because ForEach
passes in a closure, we can use shorthand syntax for the parameter name, like this:
Form {
ForEach(0 ..< 100) {
Text("Row \($0)")
is particularly useful when working with SwiftUI’s Picker
view, which lets us show various options for users to select from.
To demonstrate this, we’re going to define a view that:
property storing the currently selected student.Picker
view asking users to select their favorite, using a two-way binding to the @State
to loop over all possible student names, turning them into a text view.Here’s the code for that:
struct ContentView: View {
let students = ["Harry", "Hermione", "Ron"]
@State private var selectedStudent = "Harry"
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Form {
Picker("Select your student", selection: $selectedStudent) {
ForEach(students, id: \.self) {
There’s not a lot of code in there, but it’s worth clarifying a few things:
array doesn’t need to be marked with @State
because it’s a constant; it isn’t going to change.selectedStudent
property starts with the value “Harry” but can change, which is why it’s marked with @State
has a label, “Select your student”, which tells users what it does and also provides something descriptive for screen readers to read aloud.Picker
has a two-way binding to selectedStudent
, which means it will start showing a selection of “Harry” but update the property when the user selects something else.ForEach
we loop over all the students.The only confusing part in there is this: ForEach(students, id: \.self)
. That loops over the students
array so we can create a text view for each one, but the id: \.self
part is important. This exists because SwiftUI needs to be able to identify every view on the screen uniquely, so it can detect when things change.
For example, if we rearranged our array so that Ron came first, SwiftUI would move its text view at the same time. So, we need to tell SwiftUI how it can identify each item in our string array uniquely – what about each string makes it unique?
If we had an array of structs we might say “oh, my struct has a title
string that is always unique,” or “my struct has an id
integer that is always unique.” Here, though, we just have an array of simple strings, and the only thing unique about the string is the string itself: each string in our array is different, so the strings are naturally unique.
So, when we’re using ForEach
to create many views and SwiftUI asks us what identifier makes each item in our string array unique, our answer is \.self
, which means “the strings themselves are unique.” This does of course mean that if you added duplicate strings to the students
array you might hit problems, but here it’s just fine.
Anyway, we’ll look at other ways to use ForEach
in the future, but that’s enough for this project.
This is the final part of the overview for this project, so it’s almost time to get started with the real code. If you want to save the examples you’ve programmed you should copy your project directory somewhere else.
When you’re ready, put ContentView.swift back to the code below, so we have a clean slate to work from:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, world!")
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