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Creating a custom component with @Binding

Paul Hudson    @twostraws   

You’ve already seen how SwiftUI’s @State property wrapper lets us work with local value types, and how @Bindable lets us make bindings to properties inside observable classes. Well, there’s a third option with a rather confusing name: @Binding. This lets us share a simple @State property of one view with another, so they both point to the same integer, string, Boolean, and so on.

Think about it: when we create a toggle switch we send in some sort of Boolean property that can be changed, like this:

@State private var rememberMe = false

var body: some View {
    Toggle("Remember Me", isOn: $rememberMe)

So, the toggle needs to change our Boolean when the user interacts with it, but how does it remember what value it should change?

That’s where @Binding comes in: it lets us store a single mutable value in a view that actually points to some other value from elsewhere. In the case of Toggle, the switch changes its own local binding to a Boolean, but behind the scenes that’s actually manipulating the @State property in our view – they are both reading and writing the same Boolean.

The difference between @Bindable and @Binding will be awfully confusing at first, but it will sink eventually.

To be clear, @Bindable is used when you're accessing a shared class that uses the @Observable macro: You create it using @State in one view, so you have bindings available there, but you use @Bindable when sharing it with other views so SwiftUI can create bindings there too.

On the other hand, @Binding is used when you have a simple, value type piece of data rather than a separate class. For example, you have an @State property that stores a Boolean, a Double, an array of strings, etc, and you want to pass that around. That doesn't use the @Observable macro, so we can't use @Bindable. Instead, we use @Binding, so we can share that Boolean or integer in several places.

This behavior makes @Binding extremely important for whenever you want to create a custom user interface component. At their core, UI components are just SwiftUI views like everything else, but @Binding is what sets them apart: while they might have their local @State properties, they also expose @Binding properties that let them interface directly with other views.

To demonstrate this, we’re going to look at the code it takes to create a custom button that stays down when pressed. Our basic implementation will all be stuff you’ve seen before: a button with some padding, a linear gradient for the background, a Capsule clip shape, and so on – add this to ContentView.swift now:

struct PushButton: View {
    let title: String
    @State var isOn: Bool

    var onColors = [Color.red, Color.yellow]
    var offColors = [Color(white: 0.6), Color(white: 0.4)]

    var body: some View {
        Button(title) {
        .background(LinearGradient(colors: isOn ? onColors : offColors, startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom))
        .shadow(radius: isOn ? 0 : 5)

The only vaguely exciting thing in there is that I used properties for the two gradient colors so they can be customized by whatever creates the button.

We can now create one of those buttons as part of our main user interface, like this:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var rememberMe = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            PushButton(title: "Remember Me", isOn: rememberMe)
            Text(rememberMe ? "On" : "Off")

That has a text view below the button so we can track the state of the button – try running your code and see how it works.

What you’ll find is that tapping the button does indeed affect the way it appears, but our text view doesn’t reflect that change – it always says “Off”. Clearly something is changing because the button’s appearance changes when it’s pressed, but that change isn’t being reflected in ContentView.

What’s happening here is that we’ve defined a one-way flow of data: ContentView has its rememberMe Boolean, which gets used to create a PushButton – the button has an initial value provided by ContentView. However, once the button was created it takes over control of the value: it toggles the isOn property between true or false internally to the button, but doesn’t pass that change back on to ContentView.

This is a problem, because we now have two sources of truth: ContentView is storing one value, and PushButton another. Fortunately, this is where @Binding comes in: it allows us to create a two-way connection between PushButton and whatever is using it, so that when one value changes the other does too.

To switch over to @Binding we need to make just two changes. First, in PushButton change its isOn property to this:

@Binding var isOn: Bool

And second, in ContentView change the way we create the button to this:

PushButton(title: "Remember Me", isOn: $rememberMe)

That adds a dollar sign before rememberMe – we’re passing in the binding itself, not the Boolean inside it.

Now run the code again, and you’ll find that everything works as expected: toggling the button now correctly updates the text view as well.

This is the power of @Binding: as far as the button is concerned it’s just toggling a Boolean – it has no idea that something else is monitoring that Boolean and acting upon changes.

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