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DAY 68

Project 14, part 1

You’ll be pleased to know that today is the easiest day you will have had in a while. That doesn’t mean we’re looking at unimportant stuff, only that the new techniques we’re covering are pretty much guaranteed to be a welcome break from Core Image!

All I can is this: enjoy it while it lasts! Tomorrow we’re back on to the hard stuff, which I hope shouldn’t come as a surprise given that you’re well past the two-thirds mark in these 100 days.

Keep going! As Vince Lombardi said, “the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Today you have four topics to work through, in which you’ll learn how about implementing Comparable, finding the user’s documents directory, and more.

How can this day be improved?

Great job on finishing another day! If you still have questions about what you learned, please send them in using this form – I'll do my best to address the most common problems in the next course update. Thank you!

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🎉 I just finished Day 68 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui/68 via @twostraws

Need help? Tweet me @twostraws!


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100 Days of SwiftUI

The 100 Days of SwiftUI is a free collection of videos, tutorials, tests, and more to help you learn SwiftUI faster. Click here to learn more, or watch the video below.

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