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DAY 51

Expanding your horizons

Today marks the start of the second half of this course – you’ve finished the first 50 days now, and it’s time for the second 50 days. So, today we’re going to do something a little different: I want to give you a sense of the broader Swift ecosystem.

I often write about conferences, because I believe most people benefit from getting out there and meeting other people, hearing fresh ideas, and playing an active role in the community.

While you’re just learning it’s easy to miss just how interesting our community is, so today I would you like you to watch two talks I’ve given at conferences last year: dotSwift in Paris and NSSpain in Logroño.

I’ve picked out these talks for different reasons:

  • At this point in your learning, the dotSwift talk will be totally within your grasp, but will still inspire you to write better Swift code.
  • The NSSpain talk will about 70% in your grasp, and about 30% new, but I think at this point you’ll appreciate some of the many pain points I talk about.

Don’t worry if there are some things you don’t fully understand yet. When you listen to a conference talk, very often you’ll know some things already, learn a few things quickly, and have to do some extra research on others – that’s normal, and it shows that it hit the sweet spot.

As I write this, I spoke to someone just yesterday who said they attended a conference in 2018 and then again in 2019, and it was amazing for them to see how much more they understood after a year of work. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “the noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding,” and I can think of few better yardsticks of your progress than watching talks live or recorded and realizing they are starting to make more sense than before.

Hopefully this video day gives you a little time to catch your breath, while also giving you just a taste of what else is out there.

Today you have two videos to watch, and you’ll learn about map(), flatMap(), filter(), and more.

Need help? Tweet me @twostraws!


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