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DAY 17

Project 1, part two

Yesterday you completed the basics our app, but of course it’s missing one important component: it isn’t drawing any pictures! For an app called Storm Viewer this part seems rather important – as Walt Disney said, “of all our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.”

So, today you’ll be completing project one by adding a detail screen that can load pictures, making that screen animate in when the user selects an image name, then adding some tweaks to polish up the user interface.

Today you have three topics to work through, and you’ll meet UIImageView, UIImage, UINavigationBar, and more.

Tip: Different Xcode versions create image views slightly differently. If you want to use Aspect Fill for your image, make sure Clip To Bounds is checked to avoid the image overspilling – this is enabled by default in Xcode 10.2 or later.

Need help? Tweet me @twostraws!


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