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DAY 57

Project 15, part one

Today we’re going to be looking at a fundamentally important part of iOS development: animation.

Years ago animation was often considered inconsequential – it was there to make something look nice, rather than adding real value. But today we recognize that animation helps guide users through state changes in our app: when they delete an email it moved into the trash can, so they can see that it’s gone and know where to go if they want it back.

John Maeda, design lead at Automattic (the company behind Wordpress), put this rather succinctly: “Design used to be the seasoning you’d sprinkle on for taste; now it’s the flour you need at the start of the recipe.” That means we need to be thinking about animation at the early stages of our app – deciding how the user should interact with everything we show them needs to be at the core of our design.

Today is all about bringing your user interfaces to life with movement, scaling, rotation, and more. We’ll be working in a sandbox, but you can use these principles anywhere!

Today you have three topics to work through, and you’ll learn about animate(withDuration:), CGAffineTransform, alpha, and more.

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