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Saving UserInfo to CoreData

Forums > watchOS

Hi I was wonder if anyone can help. I have watch app that does a check then passes two bit data to main app (a String and a Int). Then I want it to save them to CoreData. I have tried a few things. The Comment out code is want I need to save them to CoreData.

#if os(iOS)
// With This get *SwiftUI:0: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type DataController found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for DataController may be missing as an ancestor of this view.*
@EnvironmentObject var dataController: DataController

// This does saved to CoreData but then crashes the iOS app!
//    @ObservedObject var dataController = DataController()

func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

    print("Data received \(userInfo)")
//            let viewContext = dataController.container.viewContext

    if let isDefect = userInfo["isDefect"] as? Bool {
        if isDefect {
// This is another data that save to different entity
//                let defect = Defect(context: viewContext)
        } else {
            print("Vehicle check")
//                let checkData = CheckData(context: viewContext)
            if let bonnet = userInfo["bonnet"] as? String {
//                    checkData.bonnet = bonnet
            if let numberDefect = userInfo["numberDefect"] as? Int {
//                    checkData.numberDefect = Int64(numberDefect)
//                checkData.dateCreated = Date()


// other Protocol methods that are required
// watch Protocol method


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