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How can you tell if the attribute allowsCloudEncryption works?

Forums > SwiftUI

If you set the "allowsCloudEncryption" attribute on a property like the below, is there a way to be able to see that it has worked?

import Foundation
import SwiftData

class DataItem {

    var name: String = ""
    @Attribute(.allowsCloudEncryption) var password: String = ""

    init(name: String, password: String) { = name
        self.password =  password

When logging into the CloudKit Database Console and querying the database (in development), I see the plain text unencrypted value of the field, when I was expecting to see it in some encrypted state.

Am I seeing it unencrypted because I am myself logged into the console, so it knows it is me, and thinking it is safe to show me?

Or did it not actually work, and it has not in fact encrypted it in the first place?


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