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SOLVED: Correct use of SwiftData in a Picker

Forums > SwiftUI

I have a relationship between two classes: 1) Card 2) EventType

Ever Card must have a EventType, and an EventType can be used by zero or more cards. When creating a new Card in SwiftUI, I want to present a picker of all the EventTypes. I have a @State variable to hold the selected EventType? that I will then use when creating the new Card. However, my Picker is giving me an error when it runs. Picker: the selection "nil" is invalid and does not have an associated tag, this will give undefined results. I've tried multiple things for the tags, and I still see this error. Here's the Picker code.

@Query(sort: \EventType.eventName) private var events: [EventType]
@State private var selectedEvent: EventType?

init(recipient: Recipient) {
        self.recipient = recipient
        self._selectedEvent = State(initialValue: events.first)

var body: some View {
// removed other content of view for breviety

                        Picker(selection: $selectedEvent, label: Text("")) {
                            ForEach(events) { event in
                                    .tag(event as EventType)

Is there something obvious here that I am missing?


Ok, FIgued it out, given that the selectedEvent is Optional, I needed to change my .tag to also be Optional.. The code is now like this

                        Picker(selection: $selectedEvent, label: Text("")) {
                            ForEach(events) { event in


Paul, First, thanks for your site! It's great!

I to have a picker that I want to load from SwiftData. My issue is I need to initialize 'Picker( selection' to avoid the error: Picker: the selection "" is invalid and does not have an associated tag, this will give undefined results.

I want to set 'selection' to the first element in the table.

I tried this code: @State var selectedCategory:String = "" @Query(sort:\ToolCategoriesEnt.catName) var categories: [ToolCategoriesEnt] init(

    selectedCategory: String = State(initialValue: categories.first?.catName), 

This gives two errors: Cannot use instance member 'categories' as a default parameter Default argument value of type 'State<String?>' cannot be converted to type 'String'

I also tried: Picker(selection: $selectedCategory, content: { ForEach(categories) { categorie in Text(categorie.catName) .tag(categorie.catName)

                   }, label: {} ).onAppear(perform: { selectedCategory = categories.first?.catName ?? "nil"  })

This gives me an empty string not the first element.

Any suggestions would help!

Thanks for all you do!


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