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Server-Side Vapor Edition - Trouble opening Xcode in project1

Forums > Server-side Swift

Hi, I am following along with my recent book purchase. After building project1 and changing directory to project1 I keep getting errors on vapor build and vapor run.

.backgroundExecute(..... error: unable to find utility \"xctest\", not a developer tool or in PATH\n \n", output: "").

On the Vapor3 Discord site there is some mention of this error but they were easily solved by downloading xCode. I already have xcode, have used swift packages before (not executable). I think this is a command line issue finding and connecting but not sure how to approach.

FYI. I was able to open xcode from the project and run the basic routes to contact and staff but started running into issues with finding the leaf files. I believe this issue is connected to the vapor being able to run.

Please advise, Thanks Tom


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