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Server side swift with Kitura

Forums > Server-side Swift


I recently bought the book Server side swift with Kitura. I have few comments.

  1. Initial instructions about the package creation doesn't work. So many things needs to change in the Package.swift file to make it work.
  2. The book is not updated with the current Kitura. I'm in the chapter where couch DB stuffs are explained and trying out the examples from the book. Almost every thing needs corrections in the book. Book explains about the SwiftyJSon package in the book. But currently Kitura doesn't have the support for it after the Codeable is part of the Swift they have completely removed that dependencies. Even if you try to work around with by downloading the SwiftyJSON package, that doesn't build and throws build errors. There were bugs raised against SwiftyJSON in the github from past 1 year the repo is stale and no updates on that. So many API's interfaces has changed with CouchDB aswel. Again the same story.

I know we could try to fix those things and get more knowledge on it. But I'm not interested in doing that at the moment. Foucs is to learn as many things as possible quickly and move on developing my own project. For everything I have to look for google and stack overflow to fix the issue. If I had to do that I can very well do it without this book.

Before buying this book I was doing the same thing, google the error and fix it and move on. My whole point of buying this book was to avoid such distractions of trying to make things which doesn't work to unblock myself. But I ended up doing the same thing with this book aswel. So I feel I didn't get what I expected out of this book. :(

Hopefully @twostraws make a note of this issue and give some suggestions atleast on the plan of action to improve the experiance I have with this book?


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