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Question about Apple Developer account. New Apple ID or existing one?

Forums > iOS

I plan on getting an Apple Developer account in the next month and I was wondering if I should create a new apple ID for it or use my existing one.

Anyone have any opinions or experiences leaning one way or the other?



What I would do: If you use the Apple Developer Account as an individual with no concrete business plans then don't create a new one (That's what I do).

If I had planned to do business than I would have gone for a separate account. It's easier than to separate business and personal stuff. But that's personal preference.


@Hatsushira - Do you have any advice or experience with writing applications for internal business use?

Specifically, I am developing an application for a high school drama department. I have no plans to sell this in the Apple Store, nor do I wish to make any money from it. This would only be for internal school use to help with inventory, event planning, etc.

I would like for several teachers and students to have access to the application and share data. Perhaps even control stage lights, or sound effects.

I do not know what kind of developer program exists to address this specific niche.

Appreciate any pearls of wisdom.

PS. Someone might say, "This sounds like an application that many schools might want! Perhaps you should consider selling it on the App Store afterall." This is true. But not in my immediate plans. I want to get an app out the door, run it through controlled testing, seek improvements and increase my Swift skills.

Please ignore. Testing markdown.

This is a description. But i want to break the paragraph right here.
Used multiple spaces


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