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How can I make a time warp scan video effect with SwiftUI?

Forums > iOS

Hello, I was wondering how I can make app that contain only this video effect, a time warp scan. I don't have idea how that should be made, I have basic logic, for example to stop every x milisecond and screenshot the entire screen then crop the photo and add that photo to array with other photos and make the whole image. I don't know if this is even possible with this logic, so I need some advice.

Here is a few examples of what I was thinking:


Luka bypasses all the tutuorials and jumps into the deep end of the learning pool:

I was wondering how I can make app that contain only this video effect,
a time warp scan. I don't have idea how that should be made,

Did you examine Apple sample code?

See -> Capturing Video

I might suggest breaking your big problem into many smaller problems, but you've outlined your approach!

Luka outlines basic logic:

record video stream
overlay the live video stream with "scan bar"
stop capture stream every x milisecond
screenshot the entire screen
crop the photo stream under the "scan bar"
add that photo cropped section to array with other photos new image
assemble a new make the whole image

Nice! This is a great start. Come back and share your journey with us!


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