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Problem with "Hacking With macOS" Swift version - Project 6: Animation

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This may be a problem with my using a beta OS... I'm running MacOS Montery 12.5 beta (21G5056b) and Xcode Version 13.4.1 (13F100).

I've not been comprehensive in my attempt to debug this, but I have located a very simple example of the problem.

I create an Xcode project for AnimationSandbox and add the first set of code from the tutorial

Text("Click Me")
    .onTapGesture {
        // do nothing just yet

This works correctly in the preview - like the illustration in the tutorial - but when built and run, the text is missing. That is, I get a red circle with no text.

The problem appears to be caused by the .padding(100); if I comment this out

Text("Click me")
            .onTapGesture {
                    // do nothing just yet

the preview and app match (what I take to be) correctly.

OK - the problem is that if the window size of the app is too small, the text doesn't appear. If I resize the window it works correctly.

Unfortunately it's taken me a couple of hours to understand this.


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