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Original (and beautiful✨) tests and puzzles, based on Harry Potter books

Forums > App Announcements


A team of just two big Harry Potter fans, we decided to challenge our skills with this app. Starting from simple tests' mechanics, we were able to design logically and graphically a sophisticated 'Exam' part, which was released recently. Yep, it is still just a tiny from-fan-to-fan app, but with some heart inside. We hope you'll enjoy your time in our Magic School!

Harry Potter Magic School app

And yes, we've already had a long conversation with Apple where we were able to prove that our App 'is inspired' but not 'copied'.

Feel free to share any feedback and of course your Magic Exam score! For trying it, you'll have to go through some personality tests and watch a bit of ads to pack your Trunk (sorry, we are working on promo codes and stuff)! But we promise, it will be fun!



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