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Film Process Timer v2.0

Forums > App Announcements

Just been released on App Store is the version 2 of my Film Process Timer for the iPhone.

Continuing from v1.1 the UK, US, Canada, Australia, French and German localizations are still available and extended for the new features.

Film Process Timer v2

Many changes to the functionality have been developed and included in version 2.

Predefined timers (for film processing) - these cannot be modified by ther user. Duplication of the timers (predefined and user created), and of steps within a user defined timer. Grouping of the timers by their type. Quick selection values for hours, minutes and seconds when editing the timer values. Hiding or making visible the predefined timer from within the options screen. Alternate App Icons.

I have also utilised Custom App Product pages within the App Store. This might have been designed as a film developing timer, but can be used for much more. For example as a Quiz Timer or a Cooking Timer.


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