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Fantastic story

Forums > App Announcements

Obviously the first episode has been hyped up, but I've noticed a strange pattern with many of the accounts.

Firstly, you can tell which ones are bot accounts as they've been created within the last couple of days (October 2022). They also only have that entry in their list and they have it marked as 10/10. They also have no forum pic and pfp.

Secondly, just about all of them have only 1 forum post to their name.

And thirdly, they all say short, really positive sentences. Some accounts say negative stuff as well.

So I really don't know what this person/people are trying to achieve by using their bot accounts to spam the episode discussion post. Maybe to inflate the episode rating number.

Examples (post number): 855, 852, 846, 845, 842, 821, 820, 818

I estimate that there might be upwards of 200 message made by bot accounts alone


If you suspect a spam posting on the forums then send a email to Paul with the link to the posting and he will look at it and delete it and profile if spam.

PS. this forum is for App Annoucement (eg App released on App Store or TestFight)


Pretty sure @jason's post is the spam.


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