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Expenses: Spending Tracker

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Expenses has been crafted to keep track of your spending effortlessly, with useful features in a simple, intuitive interface. And with iCloud, it’s easy to keep all your expenses in sync across your devices and collaborate with others using sharing. The apps are available on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

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If you have any questions, comments or feedback, feel free to contact me here or via Twitter.

Expenses has been crafted to keep track of your spending effortlessly, with useful features in a simple, intuitive interface. And with iCloud, it’s easy to keep all your expenses in sync across your devices and collaborate with others using sharing.


・Quick input Enter your expense quickly and easily with minimum effort.

・Sharing Invite people and collaborate with them to better organize your expenses.

・Accessibility Expenses is designed to be accessible to everyone, including those with special needs by providing built-in accessibility features.

・All currencies Expenses supports all currencies you may need especially when traveling. It also supports automatically updated currency rates for major currencies.

・Exporting Export all expenses you enter in multiple ways, meaning that you can still make full use of the data as you want.

・No registration, no personal data We care about your privacy seriously. Expenses requires no registration and no personal data.

・Categories We think categories as an essential part so you have full control of how you manage categories.

・Statistics Statistics will show you an overview of your spending. From there, you'll also see expenses in each category.

・Trends Trends will tell you outstanding changes on your spending over time to help you spend better.

・All the small things Dark Mode, Quick Actions, Split View, Multiple Windows on iPadOS/macOS, Context Menus, Mouse and Trackpad support on iPadOS/macOS, Keyboard Shortcuts for iPadOS/macOS, and more.


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