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Clockwise - Preteach your kids to learn to read the clock during this pandemic

Forums > App Announcements

Hi all!

During the pandemic, we have to preteach our 3 kids at home and my oldest was learning to read the clock in school. It was the perfect opportunity to dive into Spritekit (thanks Paul for your resources, it helped my quite a bit) and try to make a fun and educational app. Wolf (our oldest), especially likes the added firework particles :D

The app is localized in English, French, German, Italian & Dutch.

It's available to download on the App Store or you can have a look on the official website.

If you have any remarks, just send me a PM or use the contact form on the website! I hope you like it!

Kind regards, Frederik


Looks marvelous!


Hey @frederik-jacques, it looks like the App Store link is broken. The link begins with "https://https//", and you'll want to edit it to remove the "https//" part.

That detail aside, the app looks good! My kids aren't old enough to make use of it yet, but that'll happen soon enough.

Be well!


That's fantastic Frederik .. I love apps the are created out of an existing itch or frustration .. and it must be so satisfying for you to create something to help your family (and many other families around the World 🌍)

Well done, looks very nice 👏🏻


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