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DAY 3 - Update

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

DAY 3 I finished Day 3. My test scores are decent. I miss a few every day.

Yesterday I spent a couple hours going through a YouTube video on how to build a calendar. YES - I just follwed the video, but I took time to understand what I am doing. I used Enums and today we learned about Enums. It is way above my head, but learned alot and have the UI built. I want to work on it today, but its not going to happen. My goal is to make an app I want/need, but there is nothing that meets my needs. It will be a long journey, but the idea I have is something I will use and something I believe otherrs will use.

Things I learned...

  • SWIFT is case sensitive
  • Enums
  • Buttons
  • H, V Stack...

Things I dont unserstand

  • When to capitalize
  • How to read { }

Day 2 - Not very much time in videos and tests today. A previous post said I should code every day & recomended a calculator. I think I will try that. This will be my first ever app.

DAY 1 - I guess you all have been here. :-)

I have been wanting/needing an app for a couple years. While I have a Comp Science Major living in my home, it will never get built and probably never started. So, I figure I will try to do it myself. Day 1 done, day two to come.


Welcome to Hacking with Swift!

Here are a few hints to help you make the most of this forum.

First: Ask a lot of questions. There are many folks here who have been in your shoes and understand the frustration of knowing how to program something in Java, Python, or C# but just aren't understanding Swift. We'll help out.

Second: Before asking however, please search the forums for some key words. You might find that seven months ago, another person asked the same, or similar question. Rather than waiting for someone on the forum to respond, you just might find the hint you're looking for in another post. And often the response you do get will be to some well documented code example or explanation to another user. There are treasures in this forum. Don't be afraid to search for them.

Third: Spend a good hour or two looking through posts. You'll find some great hints on how to formulate your question, post code snippets, or even just use Playgrounds to test a topic.

Fourth: There has been much discussion here on how a new programmer should post their progress as you've done. The consensus seems to be: PLEASE POST YOUR DAILY PROGRESS! Here's the small print: Add your posts to a single topic. You can rename this topic with this suggestion: The-Russ: Day 1 Update

Report in what you found easy or difficult. Tell us what you thought of the quiz, or which questions you missed.

The next day, edit your original post and RENAME the topic: The-Russ: Day 2 Update Then, of course, add your comments about Day 2, etc. The title will inform us what day you're on!

When you add a new reply to an existing topic, your update will float to the top of the message board. We'll all see your progress, read up, and jump in to offer suggestions, links to external videos or articles, or offer clarifications. All your updates will be posted under one topic documenting your 100 day journey.

Fifth: Code everyday. You build muscle-memory by coding everyday. Key topics become second nature by Day 30 or so. If you take a break, you'll find yourself forgetting earlier lessons. I'd even go so far as saying, find an easy project (Calculator maybe?) and recode that from scratch every day. It'll take 40 minutes at the start, but after a week or so, you'll code it in 20 or less.

Sixth: Have fun! SwiftUI is awesome.

Seventh: Don't argue. We say "zed-stack" here. 😜

Keep Coding!


I would like to add if you have Slack then there is HackingWithSwift 100 channel

Also if you have Twitter there a Communties 100 days of Swift & SwiftUI


This may be a silly question but when you open the above Slack link it asks for an email address, what do we put? I've tried my email linked to my HWS+ subscription, but doesn't work.


Hello @karimlevallois ! Were you able to join ?

I'm having the same issue.


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